Music Arrangement // Mixing
He’s my friend, this time, also my producer. 🎐
Late 2021, on a chaotic afternoon, I was hauling a heavy box down from the third floor of the recording studio where I was interning. Just as I was struggling to keep my balance, the singer scheduled for the session showed up, walking right into the scene. There I was, stuck on the stairs, blocking his way, looking a little worse for wear. That was how we met—awkward, unglamorous, and entirely unforgettable.
In the studio, I did what I always did: quietly observing from the sidelines as the singer recorded. But my curiosity got the better of me—I couldn’t help but wonder about his creative process and the story behind the song he was pouring himself into. By the end of the session, we swapped Instagram handles. Neither of us expected that small exchange to spark something much bigger.
Time has a way of weaving unexpected connections. We got to know each other, grew close, and started writing songs together. Some of those tracks captured the rare and beautiful essence of friendship, while others leaned into the humor of everyday life—like one inspired by my grandma endorsing a medicine. Before we knew it, we’d shared a concert stage and even flown to Kyoto to record an EP.
This time, we were up against a tight deadline. In just two weeks, we completed our first official collaboration. If you’ve ever wondered how it feels to let go of something that’s lasted so long, this song might just give you an answer. It’s seven minutes—but trust me, every second is worth it.
2021 年末的一個下午,誰也沒想到,一場偶然的相遇,會讓我們的故事延續到今天。
在錄音室,我像往常一樣旁觀歌手錄音、好奇他的創作動機和這首歌背後的經歷(那時候他唱的是《不能喜歡》)。最後,我們決定互換 Instagram。我原以為,那只是一次普通的交換聯絡方式,卻沒想到,這是一場充滿驚喜和羈絆的旅程的開端。
後來的後來,我們認識、變熟,我們寫了幾首屬於我們的歌;一些感動是關於我們友情的難能可貴、一些趣味是關於我阿嬤代言的藥。說到阿嬤的藥,每次提起我們都忍不住笑,這首歌裡甚至還有我阿嬤她在錄音室的聲音。後來的我們還一起開過音樂會,甚至一起去了日本京都錄 EP(迷你專輯)。
Official Lyrics: https://yinsonlee.com/music/unfortunate-enough
— Music Credits —
作詞 Lyricist // 李膺盛 Yinson Lee
作曲 Composer // 李膺盛 Yinson Lee
製作人 Producer // 李膺盛 Yinson Lee
編曲 Arrangers // 小薇 Yuki Loh, 李膺盛 Yinson Lee, Ender Mogollon, Bankole Kayode, Zamm Kenoby
鋼琴 Pianists // 李膺盛 Yinson Lee, 小薇 Yuki Loh
電吉他 Electric Guitarist // Ender Mogollon
貝斯 Bassist // Bankole Kayode
鼓 Drummer // Zamm Kenoby
鼓取樣 Drum Programmer // 小薇 Yuki Loh
和聲編寫 Backing Vocal Arranger // 李膺盛 Yinson Lee
和聲 Backing Vocals // 李膺盛 Yinson Lee, Vyonne F.
不像你的吃瓜群眾 Special Guests // Yinson’s crazy friends
電吉他錄音師 Electric Guitar Recording Engineer // Ender Mogollon @ LINESTUDIO
鼓組錄音師 Drum Recording Engineer // Zamm Kenoby
人聲錄音師 Vocal Recording Engineer // 李膺盛 Yinson Lee
混音工程師 Mixing Engineer // 小薇 Yuki Loh @ PlainW Studio
母帶後期處理工程師 (單曲版)Mastering Engineer (Single Version) // 李膺盛 Yinson Lee
OP // Yinson Lee Productions LLC · ISRC // QZYXS2501001
Related Services: Music Arrangement, Recording, Vocal Editing, Vocal Production, Mixing, Mastering