Here is a selection of music production projects that I have successfully completed, showcasing my skills in creating, arranging, mixing, and mastering tracks across various genres.
If you’ve ever wondered how it feels to let go of something that’s lasted so long, the answer might just be in this song. It’s seven minutes—but trust me, every second is worth it.
在MCO期间,作者被迫滞留新加坡,面对接二连三的挑战和无助的时刻。即使在最艰难的时刻,她的信仰始终如一。于是这首作品便诞生了。为了不断接近作者对自身信仰的理解,在编曲上参考了 ’福音诗歌‘ 的乐器用法,一改以往的惯例。
PlainW Studio was able to understand my requirements perfectly, provided valuable recommendations, gathered the necessary resources, and executed the project professionally, all within budget and schedule.

KF Lai
Songwriter, Publisher
Not only meet Edmond but also my requirements as vocal producer on that song. Yuki also has deep understanding of equipment she owns. Professional attitude and communicate skill makes every conversation easy and comfort. And quite on time since beginning till final master. Good job.

Valerie Lau
The arrangement has been done quickly, and the final product matches the style and vibe I was looking for. I love how she combines the instruments, everything blends so well! Looking forward to collaborating again next time!

Ee Ling Moh